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Please check out our specific services for individuals, shcools, orphans, organizations, charities and Business too.
We created these items to support you, to meet your own need, target and achieve your goals.

Access Consciousness
How to access higher consciousness? The great modality for it the ACCESS CONSCIOUSNESS with limitless tools, methods.
The Access Bars is one of the "basic" tools of Access consciousness healing and has assisted thousands of people to change many aspects of their lives. People report better HEALTH, improved RELATIONSHIPS, less STRESS, esier STUDIES and so much more...
This modality also great support for ORGANIZATIONS, COMPANIES. Using Access Bars sessions could create enchaned MOTIVATION, easier COMMUNICATION, greater PROBLEM SOLVING, CREATIVITY, better conflict resolution, more productive employee, PROFITABILITY and a place where good to work
Read mor about life changing events, training, programms which all support well-being goals for adults, children, at work. at home and help you on your self-healing journey.
d I f f E r E n t WAY
We offer Holistic counselling in Edinburgh, online with our d I f f E r E n t WAY to help to create life changing habits and learn to become selfconfident and live full life whatever is your goal - career develeopment, parenting, relationship, financial stability.
Get the old way counselling, theories, add some new-age approaches, mix in some holistic solutions, shake them together and enjoy the results.
May I have a question please? Sorry... two questions...
If the "old school"techniques, the tablets what you get, the rejection of the holistic/energetic approaches work, would not be less and not more illness in our world?
What could it take to get out from the box and give yourself (and your family, your children...) to live yoyr life fully with is and enjoy it?
I offer service, training which empower You, support rediscover your potentials to live full, healthy life with ease and joy.
I have basic counselling certificates - growing ups and youth - , learned astrology, numerology, use essential oils and I am Access Bars Facilitator.
We use all of the available tools to find the way which suit for you to support you live your life in health with peaceful mind in joy.
First meeting is 60 mins., on half price, use FIRST at the chekout.
ONLINE available too.